What should it take for the government to open its door to the world? Worse than Coraline’s door dilemma, Hong Kong’s pandemic nightmare evokes thousands new cases per day and doubles in few days. This leads to massive disruption for financial and trading hub where 7.5m people are under citywide lockdown.
Zero Covid policy is the strictest. Quarantine and test enforcement is one of the strictest movement. Covid’s law structure is also one of the most rigid restrictions. So, being the harshest Covid policy, the world starts to question and examine how come such a massive increase of infection raise in such a short of time in Hong Kong?
Critics for Hong Kong’s zero covid policymakers have been a blockbuster these days.
The main media report that policymakers have put Hong Kong to a dead-end. Meanwhile, the policymakers continued to fret reopening the mainland due to the raise of new cases. They cannot stop the flow of citizen critics because as access to Hong Kong is highly limited, the geographical spread of virus analysis shows that the spread is not from the outside world but within Hong Kong.
Hong Kong’s top pride as global city is challenged this time and forward. Civil servants are secretly jealous of Western policy in handling Covid to protect individual freedom said The Economist. Critics also believed that if Hong Kong still wants to get involved in global community, it must embrace the idea of living with the virus.
Mrs. Lam and national leaders in Beijing’s Covid policy infrastructure continue to desolate the citizen. Currently, they ban more than two people gathering. They also charge citizen seeking road to the outside world. What the masses want is Hong Kong must stop self-pitying itself. Then, the policymakers should find another way to live with Covid without harming its pride and economy.