As its name, Yemen war is a civil war between two Yemeni factions over Yemen. Those factions are the Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi led Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels.
The civil war began in 2015 and is still on going up to this very day as you are reading this article, or as we post this article. World knows the Yemen war as one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time, BBC reported.
Following the report, estimation of victims is around 10.000 up to more than 70.000 Yemenis and surprisingly those deaths were from “the third party.”
Since the situation is so catastrophic, Yemen is currently under grave poverty and economic disaster besides being the poorest Arab country. Unfortunately, the recent condition does not signify any ceasefire or whatsoever.
The war began approximately at the beginning of 2015 when Houthi rebels, an unheard-of Yemeni tribal group, marched on Sanaa, the capital, and overthrew the legitimate government. Furthermore, with the backing of forces loyal to the former president, the rebel overtook most of the populated areas in the country.
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Currently, the war is still going between the two factions. What is different is that they are not the only parties fighting there.
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The war gets worse as the day goes on and the players keep increasing as the war advances. The other parties joining the war are the Britain, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.
When Saudi Arabia heard about the invasion of the rebels to Sanaa, they thought that this must be a coup in which Iran backed. Iran is Saudi’s regional rival accordingly.
Six months after the first invasion of the Houthis, Saudi military conducted the first Saudi-led air campaign. Sadly, this never made the condition better.
UAE has deployed around 7.000 troops at the conflict zone at one point. However, the newest update of the story disclosed that Saudi-backed and UAE-backed forces are having another standoff in Aden, another area in Yemen. This is making the worst humanitarian catastrophe becoming even worse.
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On the other hand, Many have accused Britain of providing weapons and munitions to Saudi forces. The Saudi forces have bombed schools, hospitals, markets, funerals, and killed a massive number of civilians in the process. Saudi made those achievements within four years.