The mutual fund is becoming one of the investment vehicles that is continually developing. We can even see the development on e-commerce sites that begin to give access to mutual fund investing so individuals can easily participate in it.
Investing in a mutual fund can be more beneficial than investing in gold. Check out these 5 reasons why:
1. Lower Initial Cost
The minimum initial cost is the main reason why a mutual fund investments is more beneficial than of gold. You may invest as little as Rp 100.000. Meanwhile, investing in gold would cost you an average Rp 600.000 per gram. Lower initial cost doesn’t affect investment results.
2. Easier to Manage
Should you decide to invest in a mutual fund, a professional investment manager would take care of your funds. An investment manager manages and oversees how well your investment is performing in the market. In gold investment, you are required to make your own analysis and decision.
3. Higher Return
A mutual fund investment produces a higher return as compared to gold investment. This is because return in gold investments tends to be stagnant and poses increased obligation.
4. Minimum Risk
Choosing to invest in gold gives you options of either buying or selling it. Selling it won’t give you much profit.
While in the Mutual Funds Investments, you may plot the fund for several kind of share and obligation. So, if one of the investment do not give a profit or even fail, you still get the profit from the other investments so It minimizes the risks.
5. Easier transaction
When you join the gold Investments, you have to spend your time moving from one to another store to seek for the precise price. Besides, after buying it you have to save it in a safe place. One of it is the Safety Deposit Box (SDB) which available in the bank. Willy nilly, you have to spend your money to pay for the charge for around Rp400.000-Rp500.000 per year
If you choose the mutual funds investments, it doesn’t appear as the goods. The existence of online investments platforms, you can invest in your house through your cellular phone. It is easy, isn’t it?