They say that anything that is too good to be true is probably not true at all. Well, not this one. Online Forex broker Fullerton Markets breaks industry standards of limited bonus programs with their Infinity Exclusive Bonus. Now, at last, traders can experience limitless bonus to leverage their wealth into new heights. We know how thrilled and excited you are with the equally limitless opportunities that come with this unlimited bonus program.
Let’s take a look at the key features of Fullerton Markets’ Infinity Exclusive Bonus.
Minimum Deposit
Smaller deposits may mean a ‘safe bet’ for traders. But small comes with small, too. With low deposits, traders should expect smaller bonuses, thus, a smaller amount to start their trading.
Indeed, bonus programs help traders to grow their wealth in a significant way. So with every $100 minimum deposit, Fullerton Market quickly stamps a $30 bonus for you. This is considered big compared to industry standards. With $130, traders will surely have a decent start with their trading.
Internal Transfer Between Trading Accounts
Most Forex brokers will remove your bonuses when you make internal transfers between your trading accounts.
Fullerton Market breaks this standard by allowing the transfer of bonus credits between accounts while maintaining the proportional size of the transferred bonuses.
The varying standards of different brokers make Fullerton Markets a versatile broker for traders.
Losable Bonus
Losable bonus is your account’s ‘lifeline.’ It allows you to trade even with a depleted account or when you lose more than your deposit.
Based on our research, Fullerton Markets is one of the only few brokers that offers this crucial feature. If everything fails, Fullerton Markets is capable of helping traders to bounce back with its losable bonus feature. A drained account doesn’t mean you have no chance to make winning trades. All it takes is a crucial lifeline that can turnaround your unwanted situation.
Bonus Limit
Industry Standard: Limited and capped bonus programs.
How Fullerton Markets breaks this standard:
The company offers unlimited bonus. Fullerton Markets provides this unbelievable perk for traders to collect unlimited bonuses regardless of the size of their deposit.
To explain it in more detail, here’s how it works:
For your first $10,000 deposit, you will receive a 30% bonus. For your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th $10,000 deposits, you will be rewarded with 25%, 20%, 15%, and 10% percent bonus, respectively.
And the best part is, after your $50,000 accumulated deposits, your succeeding deposits will earn you an 8% bonus, no matter how small or how big it is. There will be no cap for bonuses. As long as you make deposits, an 8% reward will always be ready for you.
Also read: Forex Bonuses for Beginners