The Facebook team revealed the launch of two new emojis in a show of support and inclusion in its apps to demonstrate that you care. Facebook’s emoji should appear in the form of a face-hugging heart, while Messenger’s one is a pulsating heart. Both will appear for like and other emoji responses aside from the “thumbs up.”
According to Latin Post, the “care” reactions are the first addition to the reaction list since Facebook extended the “like” button with 6 empathetic buttons— including the Love, Haha, Yay, Wow, Sad, and Angry.
Facebook will push out the care emojis to the main app in the coming weeks. Starting this week, the pulsing heart reaction will appear on Messenger too.
Facebook has rapidly become a go-to site for people to check in with their loved ones and neighbors. The COVID-19 lockdown measure forced people to try out outdoor activities while staying indoors.
Giving Support
A social media giant spokesperson said the reactions are intended to give people additional ways to express support for those affected by the Covid-19 crisis.
During this crisis the emojis are a tiny gesture. It does not guarantee on-the-table income or food. This does not owe the pandemic a solution, either. However, it serves as a vital part of the support structures of many people living in isolation.
During the pandemic, as more artists and companies shift to live streaming platforms, Facebook has agreed to add an option for people to charge for watching events broadcast using Facebook live. Creators and small businesses can charge an online performance, classroom, and conference access fee.
The media firm will also be rolling out Messenger Rooms, a virtual hangout device that combines Zoom and House Party. The rooms can seat up to 50 people. Friends can also drop in whenever they want.