The number of users of the Telegram instant messaging application has reached 500 million. Therefore, Pavel Durov as the founder of Telegram plans to monetize this application.
For 7 years, Durov has been funding this application. However, because it is already on a startup scale, monetization needs to be done.
“A project as big as us needs at least several hundred million dollars per year to keep going,” he said, as quoted by Techcrunch, Thursday (24/12).
The service, managed to surpass 400 million active users in April this year. Furthermore, Telegram will introduce a separate advertising platform for single-user channels to many public users but with respect to privacy principles in mind.
Thus, it is hoped that this strategy will allow Telegram to cover server costs and traffic.
“If we monetize a large public one-to-many channel through the Ad Platform, the owner of this channel will receive free traffic according to its size,” he wrote.
Another way Telegram can monetize its services is through premium stickers with additional expressive features.
“The artists who create this new type of sticker will also benefit from a portion. We want millions of Telegram-based creators and small businesses to thrive, enriching the experience of all our users,” he said.
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