India finally has a local version of WhatsApp. Reportedly, the platform called Sandes has already been piloted by local government officials.
They use the Government Instant Messaging System or what is called Sandes. GIMS has an official website. It’s on its initial page has a way of accessing the application, by OTP or the web.
When you have an option, a message will appear saying ‘this authentication method applies to government officials’. Sandes is used for the purpose of transferring government employees who use social media networks with the potential to pose a security risk.
The application is used to move employees who are still using social media networks that have the potential to pose a security risk.
Sandes is Still Within the Scope of The Government
Sandes is still used by the government but expanding the reach of users is inevitable. According to a report, the application can be run on both the iOS and Android platforms.
Sandes has the same functionality as other chat applications which can support voice and data messages. The backend is controlled by the National Informatics Center (NIC) which is under the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
India’s aspiration to have its own messaging platform has been spoken since 2020. Finally, Sandes is now here to coincide with the launch of the WhatsApp policy update.
The policy update was quite controversial because it was stated that WhatsApp would share more data with its parent company, Facebook. In addition, there are rules allowing users to delete accounts if they don’t agree to these rules.
The Indian government also asked WhatsApp to cancel the update. According to the local Ministry of Electronics and Technology, the regulation eliminates the choice of existing users in India.
After a brief period of commotion, the new regulation was finally pushed back into effect. If previously said on February 8, 2021, it becomes May 15, 2021.
Read now: WhatsApp Delays Data Sharing Policy