Telegram again adds several new features including a timer and delete messages automatically. Moreover, new settings for message display to an unlimited number of group members.
Through the automatic message delete feature, Telegram users can delete messages with all of their interlocutors while chatting. You do this by activating this feature, practically both private and group chats will be automatically deleted.
This feature only applies to users who have the chat rule timer enabled. Previous messages will remain in the chat history, but will slowly disappear within 24 hours to 7 days after the message is sent.
In 2013, Telegram introduced the Secret Chats feature which can delete messages automatically when they are opened.
How to activate Telegram’s automatic Message Deleting Feature
Android users can activate this feature by clicking the dot button at the top right of the screen. Then clicking clear history to select the duration of messages deleted.
For iOS or iPhone mobile users, press and hold on the message section, then select select, then clear chat at the top left, then select Enable Auto-Delete.
The auto delete feature in Telegram groups or channels can only be activated or timed by the admin.
Other new Features
In addition to the automatic message delete feature. The application made by Pavel Durov introduces two widgets that can be installed on the main page of the smartphone screen, namely Chat Widget and Shortcut Widget.
Telegram has also added an invite link feature that can be set by the group admin for the active duration and number of members who can join.
Apart from using the link to invite to the group, Telegram also provides an invite feature in QR code format. To set up this link invitation, users can open a group or channel profile, then select edit, Invite Links and select the three-dot icon to convert the link into QR code format.
Quoted by the official Telegram site, the newest feature is not only setting group invitation links. But now Telegram does not limit group members, meaning that users can create groups with as many members as possible.
Previously, this application gave a limit to its members, only 200 thousand members.
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