Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced that he will present a group video call which lokalike a Zoom feature in May.
The video call feature on Telegram will be equipped with screen sharing, encryption, and noise-canceling filters. This group video call service can also be done via cellphones, tablets and desktops.
“Speaking of video calls, we will add video to the voice call service in May, making Telegram a strong platform for group video calls,” Durov was quoted as saying through the official account on Telegram @durov.
“All the features you would expect from a modern video calling device, but with Telegram’s (typical) interface, speed, and encryption,” added Durov again.
Planned to Launch in 2020
Previously, this feature was planned to launch in 2020, but has not yet materialized. In August, the company only added an end-to-end encryption feature when users made video calls with one other person, as quoted by The Verge.
Even though Whatsapp has added a video call encryption feature between users since 2018. However, various other video conferencing features such as those to be added by Telegram are not yet available on this instant messaging service. These features are already available in other video conferencing services such as Google Meet and Zoom.
Telegram got a lot of additional users during the pandemic, as a result of which many wanted to take advantage of this instant messaging service when they needed to be at home.
As of April 2020 Telegram has 400 million monthly active users from 200 million in 2018. Some of the additional million users occur due to the issue of Whatsapp personal data. So as to encourage some users to switch to Signal and Telegram.
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