Google Photos users must be more selective in saving files on this service. The reason is, you will be charged if you save files or photos of more than 15 GB.
In November 2020, Google has announced a maximum of 15 GB of free storage space on Google Photos. Those who want more capacity are required to pay US $ 1.99 per month.
The usage of this additional capacity will be counted after June 1, 2021. Photos that are stored in Google Photos if they exceed the capacity will not be counted.
Vice President of Google Photos Shimrit Ben-Yair said this decision was to provide the best product service. It is also a service continuity to meet customer needs.
“The limit on the maximum storage space of 15GB for uploaded photos and videos that are stored after June 1, 2021, photos and videos stored before that period will not be counted,” he said in an official statement, quoted technicontech on Monday (24/5/2021).
Google Photos Monetizes Business
Google Photos was launched in May 2015. So after 6 years of providing free service, it finally monetizes business. Google notes that there are more than 4 trillion photos stored on Google Photos and there are 28 billion new photos and videos uploaded each week.
Google calculates 80% of users will have to purchase additional storage space within three years because the free limit of 15GB of free storage space will be full.
In conclusion,before this rule comes into effect, it’s a good idea to check your available storage capacity on the site. If necessary, delete files or photos that are not really important. The other option is using that storage application.