Mitch Roberts 27-year-old EVO Entertainment Group entrepreneur survived and even got profit out of movie theaters deadly fate during the pandemic. When movie theaters’ survival does not seem to make sense during the outbreak, what the young Roberts do to outlast?
As an integral part of Covid restrictions, movie theaters around the world are shut. Moreover, movie theaters lovers have found another way to watch movie at home following social distancing rules. Mitch Roberts was 25 years old when he safe the fate of movie theaters.
Evo entertainment has sit sites in Texas, employing 57 screens, 38 bowling alleys, complete with meal service, and 200 arcade games. When Texas governor urged his business to follow lockdown instruction, he owned debt as much as $42 million. But he seems to hold Harry Potter’s resurrection stone, this time is more realistic.
He started to show cult classics to set new indoor space. He also rented idle auditoriums for gamers, a new safer space. When most of movie theaters idly shut, he creates blockbusters with drive-in film festival. His approach is fresh, flexible, and Covid safe, convincing the world that people can still enjoy entertainment outside their house. These are the undying spell for his business.
Roberts leads Evo in a greater scale of success that now he owns 60% of the business. As new variant keep raising and major movie theaters announce permanent closing or bankruptcy, Evo however expands. Bryan Sheffield a centimillionaire almost thought that Roberts is probably crazy. This is because this young man highly believes that his crowd business can survive in Covid or worse.
Roberts’s principal philosophy that all men are created to socialize put Sheffield in a deal up to $125 to help Evo to realize its ambition.