There would be days in a marketer’s life where he scratches his head and wonders what has gone wrong with his whole marketing campaign.
Promising campaigns may always come from any great marketers; that’s a fact. But the best marketers are the best editors-in-chief who are able to throw away the things that shouldn’t be in their campaigns.
We’ve shortened the learning curve for you by coming up with a list of marketing tactics that you shouldn’t consider doing in your next marketing campaign.
Uniform Marketing
Customers won’t ever want to feel like clones; they would want to be treated as individuals and recognize their uniqueness. Marketers decades ago can be forgiven with their blanket personalization because they had no tech to execute a sophisticated personalized campaign.
But today, with data gathering capabilities to target specific demographics, it’s unforgivable to see this blanket thing in this day and age.
Paper Promotions
Paper planes might fly higher than paper-based campaigns these days. Customers today are not that keen on opening those marketing emails in their mailboxes anymore. Put against digital marketing, print marketing can be expensive, time-consuming, and most of all, often ineffective.
Generic Content on Video Promotions
With the explosion of countless content today, customers have become sophisticated media-consumers. People will surely take for granted promotional videos with generic elements such as time-lapse, lab scenes, high-speed trains, or skyscrapers and the other usual stuff.
Consumers will only finish your promotional video if they find it fresh, engaging, and beneficial to them.
One-Sided Social Media Content
Netizens desire content that can be beneficial to them. This is the ‘law’ of digital marketing, and if your promotional material goes against this law, it will severely affect your brand. Before uploading your promotions on social media, make sure that people can benefit from it. There’s a great chance that people will ignore your content if it merely promotes a product.
Make it engaging and beneficial, and it will spread and create awareness to a broader base.
Walking Away From The Email Route
Social media might be the new darling, but the right old email still has its beneficial strengths.
Countless business owners still prefer email as the main route to promote their business. Why? Because it can reach new clients and maintain the existing ones by being cost-efficient and quick at the same time.
Marketers should not be too dependent on social media. They should tip the scales evenly to make the most of every promotional tool available. In this case, leaving the email route will be a wrong marketing move.
Few Analytics At Disposal
The marketing environment is always shifting. Analytics and metrics will not stay for long to help you. Eventually, these will become outdated and obsolete.
With this fact, it is essential to have a handful of various analytics and metrics at your disposal. This measure will surely help you deal with the ever-changing marketing environment.
Some might say it takes a superhero to market a product successfully. But we say, what it only takes is age-old wisdom. It is the wisdom of what to leave behind and what to utilize now. Thus, you might have to forget the above-mentioned marketing tactics to keep ahead of the competition.
Also read: How Can Messaging Transform Marketing?