Is it true that companies need a copywriter more than ever? The answer is yes. But then another question arises. Why do companies need them?
Copywriter, whose job is to write copy or promotional marketing contents, is a position that companies tend to overlook these days. However, if they want to sustain, they will badly need one.
Besides being able to generate sales more effectively and efficiently than traditional marketing, copywriting helps companies avoid several future threats as well as expose them to vast potentials. Also, despite technology advancement, AI will not be able to utterly replace the role of a copywriter.
Considering the brief overview, what makes copywriter sounds so important for companies? Here are the reasons why.
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Copywriter Ensures the Tone of Companies
Even though many people might not realize it, the tone has become one of the most deciding factors in branding. And, it is the job of a copywriter to ensure that companies stick to one.
Having a unique tone helps companies share their values to customers. Also, for consumers’ sense of buying has shifted in the last decades, it is paramount to establish a tone that promotes values that consumers share.
These tone-determined values will be a new brand battleground according to Guy Redwood, the founder of SimpleUsability. Furthermore, he added that consumers will pay a premium for brands that share similarities with their values.
Copy Writing Helps Minimize the Danger of Phising
The notorious danger of phising, an email trickery that scams users by mimicking services or products they need or subscribe, has been skyrocketing for years. Many people, in addition, fall to this trickery.
The reason why it is so dangerous is that the criminals are able to disguise themselves so brilliantly that many people might not aware that it is actually a scam. Some of these criminals also use AI to study companies’ ways of communicating and copy it to trick people.
This is the basis why AI will not be utterly able to replace copywriter. A copywriter that possesses a unique style of information delivery can help companies avoid other parties use their credibility for phising.
Copywriter Becomes the Bridge to Customers
The business works differently nowadays. Back then, companies can just put their advertisements on TV without thinking of feedback. So long as the ads were nice and people bought the products, it was considered successful.
However, as marketing tools vary, the same trick will not work anymore. Even if it works, it will not be efficacious. Customers are smart enough to interact directly with the brands and companies should be aware of it.
This is when the copywriter steps in. They bridge companies, and their values, to the customers, arguably emotionally. This two-directional communication helps companies survive the business world in the future.
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