U.S. IT firm Google said it has found a number of security flaws in Apple web browser Safari. Google said it shared a research report with Apple that contained such content, and Apple improved the problem based on it.
According to the Financial Times, Google’s research team has found that the safari’s anti-trace device “ITP” facilitates third-party tracking.
Apple Google dispute continues as Google’s research report warned that because of ITP, Safari web browsers are vulnerable to more than five potential attack risks. And that “based on users’ habits of using the Internet, third parties can access sensitive personal information.”
Apple researcher stated that the ITPs are ‘friendly’ ones, never imagined the fault which Google found.
Some pointed out that such user-friendly ITPs could be misused for ‘fingerprint hacking’. This means that hackers can easily access the user’s visit records as users’ finger fingerprints remain in the ITP.
Apple’s web browser Safari has found software that is vulnerable to security. Through Google’s research report. Apple said it corrected the problem. The photo shows former Apple CEO Whistle Jobs making an announcement about Safari.
The main purpose of the ITP is to protect the privacy of safari users by preventing third-party tracking. It is a tracking prevention device designed by Apple in 2017. Other Web browsers, including Google, have also received recognition as such high-quality security devices. As they require the creation of a self-trace prevention device, referring to the ITP case.
In response, Apple said it recognized the security glitch and solved the problem. John Wilander, Apple’s personal information engineer, wrote on his blog in December last year that he was able to improve his browser software. Because he recognized the problem because of Google’s researchers.
Google identified the ITP’s security vulnerability for the first time in August last year. At that time, Google delivered the report to Apple.
“On Web security, the Google Security team has been trying to protect Web users by exchanging information with other companies in their peer group, including Apple,” Google said in a statement. “The report explains the problems that researchers have found, which will help other companies as well.