After China, South Korea and Japan has been the biggest countries with COVID19 cases. Particularly in Japan, the confirmed infected patient has reached 769 people. The condition forced Japanese Government and companies to make several decisions.
Shiseido, a Japanese cosmetics giant, began teleworking for 30 percent of its employees from Wednesday. This is the first time that the government has introduced a flexible work system preemptively before further outbreak of the COVID19.
According to NHK on the 26th, Japanese cosmetics giant Shiseido decided to carry out telework for 8,000 employees working at its headquarters in Tokyo’s Minato Ward and its sales offices nationwide from the same day until the 6th of next month. It is 30 percent of all employees.
This is the first time that a Japanese conglomerate has preemptively conducted telecommuting for its employees . Even before any infection case found in the company.
A thorough prevention to further COVID19 outbreak in Japan
Tentsu, Japan’s largest advertising agency, started teleworking for all employees as well. Reportedly an employee working at the headquarters building was infected.
If they need to hold a meeting, they will conduct the meeting by video or phone. The department, which cannot work without going to work, has issued a guideline to utilize jetlagged work hours that differ between employees.
Those who work at department stores have received notification to keep their hands from touching customers’ skin and to wear masks and wash their hands thoroughly.
The Japanese government on Saturday called for companies to work from home and work on time. Saying that “the next one or two weeks are an important phase to prevent the spread of large-scale infections.”
Japanese companies immediately adopted the system as the risk of community infection increased.
Meanwhile, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a meeting of the COVID19 task force at the prime minister’s residence. He asked for the suspension or postponement of large-scale sports and cultural events nationwide for the next two weeks.
On the other hands, global companies such as Apple, Huawei and Samsung has felt the hit by the COVID19. The world’s smartphone shipment share he past month has shown.