The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on the 26th (local time) that international gold futures prices have risen for the past six consecutive weeks, exceeding USD 1940 per ounce. The figure is up 20% from its low point in September...
Despite a series of signs of slowing inflationary pressure recently, the outlook that the U.S. economic recession will be inevitable is still dominant, according to the survey. In a survey of 71 economists conducted by the Wall Street Journal on...
Recently, with the fall of Yen and Yuan continuously against dollar, experts in various media such as Bloomberg warned for the possibility of the coming Asian currency crisis like what happened in 199. The 1997 Asian currency crisis in four...
The previous articles focus on the deep analysis on the meaning and use of both convergence and divergence. In this article, we will focus on the main differences between convergence and divergence. It is an important topic because technical traders...
Convergence, both in theory and practice, is different from divergence. Traders use convergence to refer to a phenomena of the futures price and cash price. Both futures price and cash price of a commodity for instance move closer together over...
Divergence remains a complicated understanding for new traders. Thus here is the simple way to understand technical divergence. It is clear in previous articles that divergence is present in both negative and positive ways. The negative divergence occurs when security...
From the previous article, it is to understand that divergence could be positive or negative. Positive divergence happens when the stock is low but the indicators begin to rally. So, it could be a sign of trend reversal. Trend reversal...
Both theoretically and practically, there have been a lot of trends and tools in economics and finance. Some of these trends and tools explain the opposing forces like in the study of divergence and convergence. In literal meaning, divergence means...
The global IPO market, which had the biggest boom in history last year, is expected to be difficult to get out of the recession next year following this year. The U.S., which led the global IPO boom last year with...
The cryptocurrency market is set to grow around the CAGR during 2023-2032, and a recent study predicts market torture. This includes a thorough analysis of the most recent trends, developments, drivers, constraints, challenges and opportunities in the market and predictions...
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