The Beginning of The Cryptocurrency Emergence
Cryptocurrency has been around since 1998 and was initiated by Wei Dai.
However, in that year the crypto system could not be implemented because users could duplicate currencies because no one recorded transactions.
Quoting from the Kominfo YouTube show, in 2008 a developer named the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto was able to solve this problem.
The following year, Bitcoin which is a cryptocurrency with blockchain technology was first launched.
Bitcoin is currently one of the most popular currencies for people who are interested in cryptocurrency.
Everyone who uses cryptocurrency has an account number like a bank account number.
This account number is called the public key, while the password is called the stream key. Because of these two things, cryptocurrencies have a science called cryptography which is almost impossible to hack by others.
Types of cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency does not have a physical form like cash and is available on the internet.
Cryptocurrencies are not stored in banks or e-wallets. The currency is stored in a system called blockchain The blockchain
will regulate and manage digital currency transaction data. Meanwhile, the managers are the users themselves and not third parties.
Transactions using this system are open and free, besides transactions are also anonymous. This means that you cannot find out the identities of other users. The types of cryptocurrencies currently in circulation include: