Many people think the amount of expenditure can be minimized during the fasting month because the amount of food consumed is not as much as usual days. But in fact, spending during the Ramadan moment often increases due to disorderly money management.
According to, Ramadan is a month where Muslims dig deep into their pockets. Most Muslim buy foods and presents for Eid- ul- Fitr during Ramadan.
As a result, preparations before Eid become disrupted. Even the nutritious iftar menu turns into a perfunctory menu, the important thing is to keep eating. If the habit of managing money doesn’t run well, financial instability will continue after Eid later.
Check out the following ways to save budget during the fasting month:
Make a list of food menus periodically
First, you can make a menu list of foods to be consumed periodically. Both the sahur menu and the breaking fast menu. This list will make it easier for you when shopping for necessities during fasting. In addition, you can also estimate the amount of expenditure in order to save.
Cooking a menu of sahur and break fasting by yourself
Although stalls or restaurants near where you live have a mainstay menu that unfortunately if missed, the fall must be more wasteful if you eat out too often. We recommend that you cook the sahur menu at home, especially if you are good at cooking. You can create unique foods that are certainly delicious and have balanced nutrition for the good of the body.
Reducing of having break fasting with friends
The moment of breaking the fast with friends is definitely done during the fasting month. But, this is what makes you financially unwell. Breaking fasting moment outside is an act of waste that you should reduce immediately. Especially during the fasting month, the price of the food menu in the restaurant is slightly more expensive than normal days.
Routinely checking the promo items
During the fasting month, eating places and supermarkets often provide attractive promos for consumers. You can go to the supermarket first to check the items that are discounted and promos. If the price of food in a supermarket is cheaper than at a wholesaler, what’s the harm in buying it at a supermarket. This kind of trick you always have to do even though the fasting month is over, so that you can save money.
Read more: Business Ideas for Ramadhan