There are two things in the daily life of human beings that are often difficult to distinguish, especially in manage the finances. What is that? Needs and wants. When we are can’t distinguish these two things, the various financial problems will appear.
Can you distinguish between needs and wants? Are you often feeling wasteful because you wanted to buy the real stuff that you don’t need?
If true, now you have to set up financially with the prioritization of needs rather than wants.
There are 5 tips on how to manage you’re financially based on your need!
1. Understand what your needs
Only you know what the daily necessity that you really need. Try to take you a few minutes to think about what exactly you need before buying something.
2. Make a shopping list
After knowing what you need, please write on a sheet of paper or on a mobile phone. If you’ve bought this need, give a check mark on your checklist.
3. Ask specific questions to yourself
Ask yourself, do you really need the item, what happens if you don’t buy it, and other questions.
4. Separate the money as needed
When you receive your salary, try to separate your money in accordance with some of your needs. According to, you can divide the salary being 50% for the living, 30% for Saving, and 20% for Playing.
5. Note any expenditure
Perhaps some people underestimate this, but in fact it is helpful for you to manage your finances. You can note the expenditures on the books or you can download spending applications on your smartphone.
Human needs are limited, but human wants are not limited. That’s the thing that makes us always meets wishes rather than needs. You can fill wants if you indeed have more money, as a way to appreciate yourself for having achieved something.
Try several ways so your financial problems are not coming in continuously. We wish you will practice in managing financial and more prioritizing the need rather than desire. Good luck!
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