For some people, saving money may be a difficult thing to do, especially for those who like shopping. Then, it makes you cannot control your expenses and ends up being a financial problem.
Saving money does not only depend on environmental factors and yourself. There are other factors that can make you save money, including a smartphone that you are using now.
Have you known? Smartphones greatly affect your life in every aspect. Furthermore, we can’t live without a smartphone.
Then, have you been selective in choosing an application for your smartphone?
Some people may not realize if the application in their smartphone can give an impact on their lives, both positive and negative. Moreover, some applications on your smartphone may make you more extravagant than before.
Here are some applications that you have to delete in order to save your money:
1. Online shopping application
For shopaholic people, it might be quite difficult to delete their favorite application. However, how long do you want to live lavishly and cannot control your shopping desire?
It would be better if you delete your online shopping application in order to hold back your shopping desires. If you can’t do it, the application can create serious financial problems in your life because you can’t manage your expenses properly.
2. Food delivery application
This application makes you tempted to always want to order food. Maybe at first you just look around through the application, but you will also order it.
The prices listed in the application are usually more expensive. In addition, you have to pay the delivery costs.
3. Online game application
Some people may think that online game applications can be an entertaining application. However, if you have already spent some money on online games, you have to begin to consider your finances.
Some online games offer purchase features for leveling up, weapons, or something else. Instead of spending money just to play online games, it’s better to use your money for savings or emergency funds for your future.
Are you able to delete all those applications for the sake of controlling your financial? Please try to delete them and find differences before and after you do it. Be a smart person in using your smartphone, fellas.