After knowing the four things which can be a sign that you have the potential to become a reliable forex trader, have you felt that you are a reliable forex trader?
Let’s continue our discussion about the next four of signs to be a reliable forex trader.
Not a coward and not a doubter
When you have made a decision, there is never any doubt or fear that the decision will be wrong.
If you have this quality, then you actually have the potential to be a topnotch trader.
According to Investopedia, a successful trader will not hesitate to press the buy or sell button immediately when the analyst says it’s time to take action.
He always has confidence at a controlled level; not less confident, not too confident.
No Fear of Being a Minority
A great trader does not care if it turns out the analysis is different from the analysis of most people. Great traders don’t like to always follow other people’s opinions.
If he has his own opinion based on the analysis he has made, he will seriously hold on to the analysis even though the majority of people around him oppose the analysis.
In fact, “imitators” in the world of traders often come out as losers. While he who is firm in his convictions often comes out victorious.
So, if you are not easily influenced by the opinions of others who are different, then it looks like you need to try to become a trader.
Want to Prove the Truth of a Theory
You need to know, that in the world of forex a lot of people offer “lucrative help”.
Lots of people who claim that he has an extraordinary trading strategy, and try to offer this assistance to you.
Certainly not free, there are costs that you have to pay. You have to buy the “knowledge” at a certain price that is often unreasonable.
Smart traders will selectively choose the offer. He will not easily believe just like that, but will first prove the claim based on his own experience.
For him, “If it sounds too good to be true, it’s not true at all until proven otherwise.”
If you are always selective and careful in accepting an offer, be happy because it is one of the characteristics of successful traders.
Consistent Learning
If you have started to study the forex market through a demo account, you msut study the market seriously, learn how to build a trading strategy, then make transactions based on analysis and data and then succeed in gathering profits consistently even if not large, then that is good enough capital to be able to become real forex traders with real money too.