People sometimes need quick cash in a brief period of times so they will have loans. In the digitized era, people can have easy quick loans which become alternative for those who need fresh money. Nevertheless, not all online loans or known as Peer to Peer Landing (P2P) on Play Store or App Store is official and registered in Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/Financial Service Authority (OJK). However, the safest way to lend money without a threat is choosing registered websites.
Nowadays, there are thousands even millions of websites in Indonesia. It owned by Indonesia or foreign companies. However, only a few companies have been registered in OJK. It is highly recommended for customer to look for trusted companies.
This website owned by PT. Digital Alpha Indonesia. This company is a pioneer of microloan business in Indonesia. has registered which published in 2017 with number S-2970/NB.111/2017 and run its financial business based on POJK with number 77/POJK.01/2016.
2. Danamas
Pasar Dana Pinjaman, which has the head office in central Jakarta, has been registered in OJK since 2017. The company runs its business and financial activities based on OJK regulations with registered number 77/POJK01/2016. They also have permitted by KOMINFO (Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Indonesia) to run their website.
3. Amarta
This Fintech Company has a license and verified regulation from OJK. They always do formal activities under OJK regulations with registered number 77 in 2016.
The company will connect the customer with micro entrepreneur do their transactions directly.
4. Modalku
Modalku owned by PT. Mitrausaha Indonesia Grup. The company has been registered in OJK and giving loans based on information technology. Modalku has verified OJK letter which registered in number S-2493/NB.111/2017 dated at Mei, 31st 2017. They are under strict supervision on all financial activities based on OJK regulation number 77/POJK.01/2016.
5. Akseleran
This online platform owned by Fintech company named PT. Akseleran Keuangan which registered in OJK. They are doing activities based on OJK regulation and law in number 77/POJK.01/2016.
6. Dana Kita
This Fintech company also has been registered in OJK and operates under all regulation. They also collaborate with several trusted partners to give loan service based on information technology in Indonesia.
7. KlikACC
The Fintech company has another alias as PT. AmanCermatCepat. The company has registered since June, 15th 2017. OJK published a letter that they have registered with number S-2793/NB.111/2017. All of the business is under OJK strict supervision based on regulation number 77/POJK.01/2016.
Those trusted loan online websites which have been registered in OJK. They will give online loan trusted and secure services.
Read more: Online Loan is Easy, but ….