Previously, we have learned about the crypto burning, blockchain applications etc. important in cryptocurrency trade. Now here are some lesson on the .io domain that commonly used in blockchain industry.
There is a domain address that is frequently seen in the blockchain industry. It is neither .com, .co nor Where does this .io come from, the domain address that most blockchain projects are choosing?
The domains we commonly use have three main categories: Country Code Top Level, Generic Top Level, and Infrastructure Top Level domains. Country code top level domains refer to domains containing country names such as .us, .uk, or .kr. On the other hand, the Generic Top level is a domain that represents the nature of the site we commonly use, such as .com, .net, .edu, .gov, etc. The infrastructure top-level domain is a domain that is temporarily available.
The .io domain, which is common in blockchain projects, belongs to a country code top-level domain. The .io is the national top-level domain of the British Indian Ocean Territory.
How did io domain widely used in the blockchain industry?
This lies in the specificity of the io. Typically, a country code top-level domain should be registered in the country or be based on an enterprise. On the other hand, the io domain does not need to register in the region or establish a branch office in the British territory.
In fact, it means that anyone can use it anywhere. Of course, .io domain does not allow domains for sexual, pornographic or illegal sites. Domain administrators also have the right to delete domains for these purposes.
Google also does not recognize the domain as a country code but as a regular domain.This is because other countries use the domain more than this country. Therefore, it is also advantageous to search because there are no regional-based searches or advertisements.
Other advantages include lower prices than ordinary domains, but the biggest reason blockchain companies use ioDomain is its “identity.” Besides the blockchain project, the io domain is a domain that has been used by many technology-based startups.
This is because the .io looks similar to the computer code IO. Computer code IO is the quasi-input word for input/output, which means data input/output.
Therefore, many computer technology companies have used ioDomain, and it is now common as a means of expressing their identity as a ‘computer technology company’. Blockchain projects also prefer the io domain because they advocate computer technology companies.