Looking at the most populous continent today, Asia is definitely the answer considering China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, and Japan are among the top ten most populous countries in 2018. However, in 2100, studies report that Africa will outnumber the population of Asia.
Pew Research Center published a report that Africa’s population will be significantly growing starting from 2050 while the population seems to start declining in Asia. By the time 2100 comes, prediction says that Africa’s population will reach 4.3b and Asia will decline from 5.2b to 4.7b.
Reportedly, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs disclosed that, in 2100, China will have the biggest population decline and Nigeria will have the most increase. Also, by 2100, five African countries will be in the top 10 most populous countries.
Despite everything, in the future, the population appears to cease to grow. Between 1950 and 2019, the population grows by 1% to 2%, from 2.5b to more than 7.7b. However, in 2100, the grow will predictably be at 0.1%, making the total world population approximately 10.9b.
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What It Means for Africa to Dethrone Asia in terms of Population
To arguably be the most populous continent in the globe, it can only mean two things for Africa. Respectively, it will either positively contribute to economic growth or lead to higher poverty and unemployment rates.
Furthermore, according to Bloomberg’s analysis, there is a big possibility that Africa outnumber Asia population in terms of the working-age population. In other words, this means that Africa will possess more available work labors than Asia. Currently, Asia has the most labor forces in the world.
Regarding the statistics, many analysts, at least African analysts, believe that the continent will be reforming and utterly shifting to the digital world by 2079. Moreover, further argument adds that Africa will help set the global standards by that time.
In addition, the greater the population arguably leads Africa to a more advanced society. With the predicted rapid growth in the age of automation, Africa will be digitally connected and automated.
Despite the positive expectation, it is wise to also consider the worst-case scenario. Overpopulation is very possible to lead to overconsumption and higher poverty and unemployment.
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