U.S. pressure on China is increasing. The U.S. Congress first introduced the Pacific Defense Initiative (PDI) to check China after linking the deployment of U.S. with Chinese telecommunications equipment maker Huawei at the NDAA in fiscal year 2021. The Trump administration’s pressure against China will most likely stays even in the Biden administration.
According to the NDAA on Thursday, PDI, has made it clear that it is targeting China. It has 2.2 billion dollars to spend next year. In particular, NDAA also suggested that the U.S. will focus on three areas. Which are increasing deterrence and defense readiness, strengthening preparations and capabilities in India and the Pacific region, and deepening alliance and cooperation with partners.
More budget to pressure China further
Moreover, the principles of checking China were also listed in detail in the NDAA. Including protecting U.S. federal assets and restricting China’s access to World Bank aid. The U.S. Congress also added that it plans to expand its PDI budget by more than doubling the budget by $4.4 billion in fiscal 2022.
However, NDAA haven’t released any detailed plans or measures related to China. Therefore, experts say that the bill paved the way for the Biden administration. Biden. which will take office in January next year, is to establish military strategies against China at its discretion.
U.S. President-elect Joe Biden said in an interview with the New York Times on the 2nd that he has no intention of immediately withdrawing 25 percent of the tariffs imposed by the Trump administration. The best public strategy is to join hands with our alliance, he also said. Referring to the need to improve China’s violent economic practices. Including the exploitation of intellectual property rights, dumping, illegal subsidies and forcing technology transfers. Hence NDAA and PDI-related military strategies will not slow down as China has said it will not make concessions in economic wars to prevent it from emerging as a super power.