Bejeweling Neualbenreuth with wind power turbines has been German politician’s utopia. But between political, conservative, and environment activist, wind power turbines inflict heavy debate. A mayor from a small town of Neualbenreuth Albert Köstler, said wind power is non-sense in Bavarian vernacular. Neualbenreuth is a tourism spot that has been long in battle to resist wind farm. This time, this battle drives Mr. Köstler in frustration.
German’s faithful action to attain its goal as carbon neutral by 2045 becomes the sole reason for expanding wind power plant. The government insists 80% of German’s electricity should come from renewable energy by 2030. Today, German is arriving at its 45% goal for carbon neutrality. German is also ready to allocate 2% of its territory for wind turbines. But this goal seems to arrive in a complicated direction.
The debate starts here. Critics wake since wind power construction in Baravia. The construction of turbines should be at least ten times distance from settlement. The most appropriate location for turbines construction should be in north-south said Markus Söder. However, under the concept of equality, federal government said each state should share too.
Apparently, German’s law suit is not ready for the worse scenarios.
Environment check and approval takes at least four years long. The government struggles very hard to measure time efficiency. In addition to what German must consider for wind power campaign is birds. German law upholds bird protections. It has been the candle light for anti-wind campaigns.
The more the government builds turbines the more they will face terrible death of birds. Another debate is on the table, between conservationist and climate activist, between taking priority for renewable energy and animal protections. One observer in conservationist said, “this will be an extremely painful discussion,” quoted The Economist.