The previous article has described in detail the definition of FANG, in this part we would focus on FANG’s detailed business models and performance. Facebook or now Meta is the world’s most used social networking platform. Its monthly user-base is more than 2.85bn people by April 2021. In other words, Meta could actually say that 35% of the world’s populations are its customers. So, in order to monetize this user base, Facebook sells advertisements targeting the personal preferences of their users as well as usage patterns.
Meanwhile Amazon sells a retail catalog. It is famous for business-to-consumer e-commerce platforms using cloud computing and data analytics. Initially they pioneered online sales, and in 2020 the firm has sold products to over 300m of their users in the U.S. only. Half of their users are choosing to subscribe to its membership service called Amazon prime. Then, we come to Netflix’s model. Netflix’s business has been impressing lately especially for its customer growth. This online streaming service for both shows and movies has games with an exponential subscriber from 22 million in 2011 to 208 million in 2020.
To keep its outstanding growth, Netflix began to produce their own exclusive contents. They also has adapted from its detailed traditional role as content aggregator to a major content producer. Then, Google or Alphabet is a global leading search engine. The company drives profitable online advertising as well as user retention from popular website applications. These web applications are like Google Docs, Google Meet, Maps, as well as YouTube. They get over 60.000 search requests every second and every day.