Stock analysis software does not promise to turn you into a professional’s investors in just one night. But, stock analysis software helps you to do three things.
One, it helps you adapt to market fluctuation through its real-time stock market simulation. Second, you can also test your trading strategies through the historical stock market data. Lastly, it also helps you design your investment plan or stock trading.
Those three things help you make accurate decisions without influences from your emotions. Besides the data from that software also help you make informed choices, screen stock, and execute trades.
Here is the best stock analysis software that provides various features, including real-time charting, analytics, data, education, news, and customization tools.
MetaStocks has various family products. They are all popular for their tools that help you with your technical and fundamental stock analysis. MetaStock daily chart provides aftermarket analysis tools, while MetaStock real-time help real-time traders.
Other than that, MetaStock Xenith provides real-time data and news, commentary, analytics, as well as fundamentals. This software is good for short term traders who usually do the analysis during the trading hours.
Worden TC2000
Worden TC2000 is popular for its speed and ease of use. It provides technical analysis for stocks and funds located in the U.S. and Canada. This software offers alerts, watch lists, instant messaging, find charts, scanning, news, and sorting features.
The fundamental data on this website includes historical data that can help your backtesting. This website also provides hundreds of fundamental and technical indicators accompanied by a large drawing tools library.
This software features an unlimited custom trading strategy that can help you test your trading strategy. Besides, it also allows you to do paper trading, backtesting, and automated trade.
This software is good for high activity traders willing to meet a minimum balance to reduce risks.