Chinese phone maker companies have grown wildly big in the recent years. Previously, Apple from America and Korean companies such as Samsung and LG dominated the market. But now, on the top six of the world’s top smartphone companies, four of them are Chinese. And among the top three is Huawei.

How Huawei takes over Apple
In the first quarter of 2019, Huawei recorded a 19% market share. It is way above Apple that only reached 12% after a significant drop from the previous quarter. In the last quarter of 2018 Apple hold 18% of the market share, just slightly behind Samsung’s 19%.
It’s a sad irony for Apple in the last year. The American company was way above Huawei at the first quarter of 2018. Then the place changed for the next quarter. And the Chinese company recorded a steady market share with slight decrease but sure increase. While Apple did found a whipping jump from the third to fourth quarter just to drop off in the next year.
The lack of innovation might be one of Apple’s weaknesses. It only releases upgraded version of its one and only flagship, iPhone. On the other hand, Huawei did a lot of breakthroughs and variations of flagship phones. The company targets on every segments of market, unlike the exclusivity of iPhone.
After Apple, Samsung is next?
With its current growth, it’s not impossible that Huawei will take over Samsung anytime soon. The South Korean company had made new breakthroughs with its 5G and folded phone. But the 5G technology is not exclusively Samsung’s. Huawei, along with Xiaomi and Oppo just launched their first 5G smartphones in Swiss this May.
And Samsung’s folded phone is considered a flop, being pulled off just a few days after its release. The pricing of Samsung’s phones does not do any good for the company either. Huawei and other Chinese companies can sell similar technologies with much lower price than Samsung. More reason for Samsung to be tensed up even more.