Identity theft can happen anywhere, unnoticed, through gaps that we thought way too impossible to happen. Culprits can be anyone, from strangers to people that you actually believe in. Below are more conditions compiled by Life Lock on how identity theft can happen to you!
Mail theft and how it becomes one of the gaps in identity theft
Your mailbox is an easy target for identity theft. Mail theft is probably easier now, as most people are giving less and less attention to their mailbox. One or two letters missing from your mailbox may go unnoticed, along with your Personal Identifiable Information (PII).
It is even more dangerous if the stolen letters are related to your bank, credit card statements, or tax forms that have your Social Security number written. Locking your mailbox may sound trivial, but it can really save you from the small gaps for identity theft possibility.
Getting even dirtier with identity theft: dumpster diving as one of the gaps in identity theft
Though it may sound disgusting, some people really rummage trash bins to find out information. Careful when you throw documents on the trash bin. Make sure no information as important as your Social Security number is written on the paper. If there is, make sure you shred it or block it with a pen.
Missing Social Security card
Driver license and Social Security card are with us every day. Consequently, these cards contain the most valuable information that can be used for identity theft. It is your responsibility to take good care of these cards.
Life Lock also suggests not to carry your Social Security card with you if it’s not really important.However, it might not be possible especially if you are abroad and you need to bring your passport. Just make sure you remember where you store them and regularly check if they are still there in your bag.
Unprotected data, digital and analog, as one of the gaps in identity theft
The data that we need to protect is not limited to digital data. Analog data also counts. Be wary when you invite strangers into your home. Whether it is an appliance repair person, housecleaner, or even your coworkers, make sure they don’t get too personal with you. Limit the space accessible to them if necessary. If you hire a housecleaner, maybe let them clean your main room months after you really know and trust them with your house. Being safe is key.
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