Skill of leadership and social influence
Out of many future skills, this skill is important, Why? Without leader one will not be able to decide his/her direction. The most important thing in leadership is how we can lead ourselves first. That way, we will be able to lead others. A leader has to be wise when decide, confident and open-minded. Leadership is not complete without influence. Moreover, leader’s purpose is not just achieving the goal, but learning and processing with other people as well.
Technology use, monitoring and control
In digital era, it is a must to be able to use the technology. This way we will not be left behind in a fast-moving information world. Technology will continue to grow and develop. Therefore, industries have to adapt fast by having the right workforce to use, monitor, and control the available technology.
Technology design and programming
Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. A technology is created after a proses of inventing, designing and making it reality or the realization. Recent technology is all about digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation. Therefore, programming skill is so important for the future. Digital product is about programming after all.
Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
We have to have stability to stay in power that does not easily affected. However, we need to be flexible in some cases. Being a hard-headed person will not bring anyone any good. Because, one will not accept the critics and advices to improve themselves.
Stress tend to come when we face a problem. So, good stress management is a skill everyone must have. That way, we will not be easily affected and giving up.
Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
We face problems daily. If we want to solve a problem, we need to identify it first. So, having reasoning skill is important. Secondly, after we know what the key problem is, we need to create proper idea to be the solution. After that, we apply the solution and solve the problem!
source: World Economic Forum