Placing ads on well-known social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and any others definitely cost you money. However, utilizing them correctly will definitely make the money you spend worth the results. Below are 6 tips cited from Visiture on how to make your social media advertising worth the money.
Advertising your social media through multiple Ads
Don’t settle on only one ad. Run multiple ads at the same time, and find out which one works the best. Remember, the more engagement equals better results. Experiment with ad copy, taglines, images, and any other substantial advertisement materials. Once you’ve known the best formula, throw out the less-performing ones and continue making the best-performing ones.
A/B test to find the best formula of social media advertisement
A/B test refers to two ads with slightly different details. Even one variable difference is sometimes enough. In fact, the more similar the two ads are, the easier it is to know what variable brings you better results. Run both ads at the same time, and find out which one performs better. Use the result of your A/B test as a guide for future social media advertising.
Rotating your ads to avoid boring your audience
Running the same ads over and over most of the time really helps to get your brand into your audience’s head. However, going on and on with the exact same post can bore your audience out. While this method might be applicable to television ads, it is different with social media advertising.
Using the same ad over and over can really make you lose your potential customers. Instead, deliver the freshest content you have. Rotating your ads once in a while can also help you identify what kind of content is more preferred.
Mobile friendly advertisement
Visiture mentions that more than 80% of social media users access their social media on mobile devices. Hence, it is a must for you to make contents that are mobile device friendly. If possible, differentiate ad campaigns used for mobile and the ones for desktop.
Remarketing your target audience
Visiture defines this strategy as existing website visitors tracking and serving them ads based on their preference. To find out their preferences, we can start by identifying their product preference or landing page that they have previously viewed. A lot of times, those visitors were not there for a product purchase. However, with the correct approach, you can easily convert them into your customers.
Custom landing page, one easy click towards your website
Displaying your best-selling products could help you boost sales. But it’s different if your potential buyer needs to go up and down your website to find out the product. They might just end up ditching your website for others.
A custom landing page can prevent you from experiencing this scenario. Customize the landing page for every product you offer for better access for your customers. Visiture further adds a more targeted landing page is definitely needed for more targeted ads for a specific audience.
Writer: Miraimaniar