4. Limit Your Own Talk Time
Indeed, the meeting leader plays an important role for effective meetings. However, they need to also be careful with how much they are talking. One of the biggest problems that lead to unnecessarily long meetings is the leader talking too much. Thus, the leader doesn’t have the chance to ask questions or listening. Meanwhile asking questions and listening are important. That will make everyone feel engaged and recognized.
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5. Have a Call to Action
Often, attendees give different answers when they are asked about their discussion during the meeting. In order to avoid that, the leader needs to review what they have decided, any deadlines, and the next step to do.
Without a specific commitment or timeline, it will be difficult to accomplish things. On top of all, it will not nail down who is doing what and then not give follow up.
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6. Limit Technology Use
It is true that technology has made our lives much easier. However, it also van be a major distraction in meetings. If someone is texting or emailing during a meeting, then he does not listen and follow the conversation. Thus, he is not engaged.
Therefore, the leader has to set ground rules on the use of technology during meetings. How much technology use can be tolerated. Moreover, the leader needs to also practice that. Some companies, have even banned technology during meetings. Meanwhile, some other ask attendees to turn in their devices at the start of the meeting.
7. For Daily Meetings, Keep it Short
Sometimes daily meetings are necessary. That can help to review actions. In that case, keep the meetings short and keep it moving. The meeting should go no more than 20 minutes. A stand-up meeting where everyone is eye level and everyone moves on can be the alternative.
Considering these things may help you run effective meetings. You won’t disappoint the attendees, they will be more engaged instead.