The beginning of a new month often marks salary day. Thus, it is better to make a money saving planning in the beginning of the month so you can control your spending.
Out of a hundred tips stated on The Simple Dollar, it is confusing to look at all those money saving tips. Let alone doing it one by one.
Hence, we will simplify the easiest and most practical things you can do to save your money. Of course, these tips would not ruin your happiness because what is the point of having lots of money but you are not happy, right?
Without further ado, here are money saving tips you should not skip!
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Use a Saving Rule
Having your own saving rule is a must. However, some people sadly fail to stick to their own rule. Why so? It is simple, because the rule is too demanding and too complicated.
With that being said, we recommend you to use this saving rule. For instance, you should not spend every $5 you have and put it in your saving jar instead. The rule is simple, do not spend a specific amount of money, but the amount should not be a big amount.
By implementing this, it would be easier for you to follow your saving rule. This is for it would not limit you to spend a big amount of money for something that makes you happy.
Master 30-Day-Rule
Is there a time when you really want to buy something but you are not sure whether you truly need that stuffs or not? If that happens, then mastering the 30-day-rule will solve your problem.
Basically, 30-day-rule is a rule in which you give yourself 30 days to think over whether you really have to buy that stuff or not. This 30 days would give you better judgement on whether you still have to prioritize other stuffs or not.
By implementing this rule, you would be able to avoid instant gratification. Instant gratification is evil as it tends to consume your finance just because you are being emotional at the very moment.
Encourage Self-Rewarding
By the time you successfully implement those two rules within a month, do not forget to give yourself a reward. In addition, the reward should be more than a mere pat on your back.
Treat yourself with the food you love, a book you want to read, or something you wanna have. Giving yourself a reward appreciates all your hard effort to save money for the entire month. You need it to be happy and stay motivated.
But listen, it should not be that expensive or else it would ruin your first intention to save money. If you purchase ridiculously expensive treats for that month, it is better for you not to buy anything else for the rest of your life.