The current digital era will make you always come in contact with financial technology applications or other social media. In fact, you do not really keep your personal data carefully.
However, it makes you might be trapped and entered into sites and applications that are not safe.
Therefore, consider the following tips so that you are able to keep your data when using fintech or social media applications:
Ensure Data
Make sure the data you enter and input into social media and technology applications is reasonable and safe.
For example, for fintech with a financial planner cluster or P2P lending requesting your salary data might be very reasonable. However, other finteches that have nothing to do with salary, seems need to be avoided.
Besides being reasonable, make sure the data you enter is only for trusted sites. Even though it is safe, you also need to complete the data so that it can be checked or tracked when there are suspicious actions.
Many fintech platforms use personal data that is inputted as a benchmark for security. For example, if there is only email, but there is no cellphone number, it is not strong from the security side. Thus, make sure everything is complete.
Don’t Share Personal Data
Don’t disseminate your personal data freely.
According to medium, you have certainly been made aware that companies are busy collecting as much data about you as they can, because the more they know about you, the more power they have over your decision making. Therefore, you have to be keep your personal data carefully.
Select the registered applications
Before starting a transaction at fintech, start checking the technology at the official website of the financial services authority whether the application is safe.
If it has not registered yet, it will be difficult for us to monitor it.
Read more: Money Saving Tips You Should Not Skip