Viral marketing can make a single post on Facebook generates thousands of interactions and reaches up to 2.8 million people. After that post promotes your product, then, in the end, that will also generate commercial value to your business. Above all, viral marketing does not require you to spend a single dollar on it.
According to Deniz Piszcek, an entrepreneur who is popular for coordinating powerful viral marketing, here are 3 ways to plan a viral marketing campaign.
1. Reinforce the group persona
In order for content to get popularity, the first step is to transmit themes reinforcing the group’s identity. On the other hand, to craft content requires deep knowledge of the target audience’s world outlook, challenges, fears, interests, and motivations.
One way to identify this is to look at what circulates amongst the online communities relevant to your audience.
2. Trigger emotions
It has to have a degree of shock in order to trigger an emotional response. Thus, it can trigger either a strong positive or negative emotional response. Then you need to align that to the context of your audience.
Piszczek often chooses to focus on formulating content that prompts positive emotions like admiration, joy, and happiness. Positive emotions are better for brand building.
However, sometimes striking a sense of fear is useful for some occasion as a powerful motivator and shouldn’t be ignored.
3. Trigger attention
Content that features a compelling narrative with stimulating visuals and dialogue is best suited to command people’s attention. Indeed, being viral is closely linked to capturing attention.
The easier it is to grasp the message, the easier it is to share. Piszczek often uses videos on social media with large, clear subtitles that immediately speak to audience identity in the first frames.
That way, as a user scrolls through the newsfeed, just glancing at the video is enough to capture key themes.