For those who struggle with their money saving plan, there is actually a simple weekly challenge namely Bingo. Yes, this Bingo money saving and that Bingo the board game are the same.
Introduced by Metro, the Bingo challenge helps you save money in a fun and bearable way. All you need is simply a 52-block Bingo board and, of course, money.
While the origin is actually from a random Facebook user, it spreads wildly like a wildfire. Many people try to follow this challenge as it, in their opinion, allows money saving in an unusual and jubilant way.
In addition, people also opine that they feel as if they do not save money or whatsoever. Also, the pioneer of the challenge says that he/she does not realize that the collected money during 2019 was this much.
So, in regards to this challenge, how to actually do this challenge? Simple. Learn how to take part in Bingo money saving challenge in these uncomplicated steps.
Also Read: 5 Tricks for Effective Saving
How to Do Bingo Money Saving
First of all, you need to print or buy a Bingo board. The number on the boxes ranges from 1 to 52, as the number of weeks in a year.
Then, prepare a jar or a bottle to put your money in. Preferably, it is an unused plastic bottle so you can put it to a good use.
After that, you simply need to remember the rules. The rules are simple, you convert the number of boxes to your currency. For example, box 1 equals USD 1 or IDR 10.000.
While saving, you might choose the date you like. You can start big or small at the first week. After that, mark the number and put a date next to it so you can track your saving record.
Keep doing it and repeat. After you finish a row or a column, make sure to cross it either horizontally or vertically, depending on your completion.
Follow the previous step until the end of the year. By that time, you will have finished saving 52 times. Do another one for the next year. It is a simple spell but quite unbreakable.
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