Cybersecurity company Proofpint has identified fake Google Chrome update downloads containing malware and potentially stealing user data. Proofpoint identifies malware designed using the TA569 method or it can also be called SoCGholish.
In addition, hackers also take advantage of banking trojans or Chthonic which are part of the Zeus type trojan. Then they take advantage of software that is controlled remotely called NetSupport.
Hackers spread it to 7 countries
The findings showed that hackers spread malware to seven countries, namely Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, England and the United States. Hackers also target a number of big businesses such as education, government, manufacturing and others.
Launching Toms Guide, there are a number of ways to avoid the fake Google Chrome installation. The first thing to do is to install and use the best antivirus software that can detect and block malware on fake Google Chrome.
Another thing that you can do is to use Mozilla Firefox for some time to come until most antivirus companies block the threat from the hack attempt.
However, the most important thing to do to prevent malware is not to install anything from websites that provide information about Google Chrome browser updates.
Keep in mind, Chrome updates don’t work that way. Chrome updates automatically behind the scenes and users rarely have to take action once they have it installed.
Launching Forbes, Chrome is the first party to include a feature to update itself automatically. This feature will regularly check for any updates and will be applied when the user starts the application.
Users can check if they have the latest version by going to Help located at the top right corner of the browser. Google Chrome will automatically update even if the user knows there is an update.
Chrome also never asks users to enter the settings page to download updates.
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