KLAY cryptocurrency of Kakao’s GroundX is reportedly making another listing. After the previous listing on Upbit Indonesia. Now, Klay is preparing for listing on Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, Liquid.
On Wednesday, Liquid Global announced that Kakao’s listing of its cryptography Klay is imminent.
“Congratulations on the Klay listing and we will show you three ways to get the clay,” said Liquid Global. The three methods suggested by Liquid Global include providing additional bonuses when depositing clay in Liquid. Giving a total of 100,000 additional gifts through transaction competition events, and not selling below purchase prices.
Liquid has also announced a clay listing on the 21st. At the time, Liquid called Klay a “blockchain that combines the strengths of Public and Private Blockchain”. And said it is an enterprise-class blockchain platform that could provide a user-friendly blockchain experience for millions of people. However, the exact date of the listing was not disclosed.
How Klay deserve the Japanese Liquid listing
The reason Klay listing is because the listed exchange is Liquid Global. In principle, in order to trade encrypted money in yen within Japan, it should be on the “Coin Whitelist” with the approval of the Japanese Financial Services Agency. Therefore, Klay, not registered on the coin-white list, cannot trade the yen within Japan.
However, listing on the global bourse is possible even if it is a Japanese exchange. However, the yen’s trading is impossible. Currently, there are five types of encryption money that are trade-able from liquid to yen. Including bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple and Liquid self-encrypting cash (QASH).
According to the Japan Virtual Money Exchange Association (JVCEA), there are 23 cryptocurrencies listed on the whitelist. Including bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum classic, Lite Coin, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash.
Ground X said it has rights for listing on the Liquid Global and that discussions with the exchange have ended. On the other hand, when it comes to listing in Korea, it said it has no plan yet.