LG Electronics said Tuesday that it will introduce two new affordable smartphones. It would be along with its second-half strategic smartphone, LG V50 ThinQ. At the Europe’s largest consumer electronics exhibition “Flex 2019” in Berlin next month.
The new product is an upgrad version of the LG K series, which LG Electronics introduced at the “MWC 2019” in Barcelona, Spain, earlier this year. Its store price is less than $200. But it can compete on the quality with a screen display, high-definition front camera, rear multi-camera, and high-capacity battery.
LG new affordable smartphones: cheap, fancy and up-to-date
The LG K50 has 6.5-inch display. While the LG K40 has a 6.1-inch display. Both come out with 4,000 mAh and 3,500 mAh capacity batteries, respectively.
LG K50 and K40 are equipped with a 13-megapixel front camera. The LG K50 has three cameras on the back. Each 13 megapixels, 5 megapixels and 2 megapixels standard, wide angle and depth . While the LG K40S has 13 megapixels, 5 megapixels standard and wide angle camera.
The new products also have six certified features that is very much up-to-date. Including high temperature, low temperature, heat shock, humidity, vibration and shock at MIL-STD 810G. Also known as MIL-STD standard of the U.S. Defense Department. Google Assistant and DTS:X, which can enjoy up to 7.1 channels of stereophonic sound, are also available.
LG Electronics is planning to introduce its first two new products at IFA. Then to release them sequentially in global markets such as Europe, Latin America and Asia starting in October. There are two types of colors: New Aurora Black and New Morokan Blue.
“We will expand our customers’ choices in global markets with competitive solid products that capture the latest trends such as screens, rear multi-cameras, and high-capacity batteries,” said Lee Yeon-mo, executive director of LG Electronics’ MC Business Headquarters.
Now, we have to wait and see if this strategy of approaching the market through affordable price would work or not. If it does work, it would help LG a lot in their smartphone department that has been facing a sluggish performance for a while.